the tenants
an interview series with individual friends + acquaintances of the studio. each installment centers around their interesting, and wide ranging, side hobbies + passions. an ode to the fun in learning where interests take us as individuals.
pat + quincy in puerto rico
its always good to dip out on the tri-state for the doldrums of winter. rico’s a no brainer trip + this year pat + quincy were on it, trading flurries for caribbean heat + leaning into turns across the notorious northwest corner of the enchanted isle.
being on + off the road for five months went into crafting this travel flick. filmed on location in nicaragua, indonesia, california and the northeast, featuring some of volcom surf’s finest talent. in addition to the film’s production we designed and ran an activation, + the marketing for, in form of another packed house premiere.
the suspect east
the spark that lit the fire. this was the first project we truly collaborated on together. an east coast surf flick, chock full of friends + fun from the heart of jersey to the isle of enchantment 🇵🇷. with guerilla efforts we promoted the premiere that blew the doors off the venue a few days before christmas. the energy felt from this project convinced us to start the journey that is srs.