who is brother andrew?

Andrew is a unique and excellent individual, and he straight rips on guitar. Once an inlander, he floated his way to the shore and into our view as Corey caught him riding his bike down Brielle Road a few years back.He was trudging through a classic high tide flood while playing a Ukulele. That enthusiasm for life sparked our friendship and we've been having fun ever since. We recently made a music video for his song "Planting," and bothered him with a few questions.

from the man himself.

how'd you get here?

“i was looking at the grass on the other side, and thought I'm going to go over there. so i started walking towards it. i never stopped walking towards it. i'm starting to realize there are no sides, just green grass everywhere you look."

what's your favorite part of the music making process?

"my favorite part of the music making process is afterwards, ears are ringing, everyone's left, I take a shower, have a glass of wine, and let a cigarette knock me over like a freight train."

how do you feel about the current local music scene?

“i think Asbury is an ecosystem. you can literally live the quintessential bohemian lifestyle whenever you feel inclined."

the next move?

“i'm going to california. let's see if i come back first."